
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award!

I am amazed & touched to be presented with the Beautiful Blogger Award!  I received this award from Joscelyn, an inspiring bi-lingual military mom of twins.  Visit her blog here Mami & The Multiples   I wish I could have kept up my efforts to be tri-lingual with the Chicklets, however, Sapper not understanding a word of the non-English languages proved to be tres difficile!

 To pass on the love, I nominate the following as I find them to be "Beautiful Bloggers" (or just plain funny):

  1. The Cox Quads
  2. Kristin's Four Kids
  3. Spriggs Family
  4. Trippin' - Life with Triplets
  5. Finding BonggaMom
  6. MaNiC MoMMy
  7. Owen + 3 apparently I'm not allowed to follow this one anymore!
  8. And Twins Make 5!
  9. I'm a REAL LIFE mom.
  10. Yes, I'm THAT mommy.
  11. Mommy Needs Coffee
  12. Little Humans Being
  13. 4tunate
  14. Cripe's Sake yes, I know it's not a blog per se, but I check on Danielle's family & pray for them frequently
  15. Two Makes Four

Congratulations on your nomination and please follow these instructions to nominate someone else:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and insert a link to their blog.
2. Pass on the award to about 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are great!
3. Contact the other bloggers and let them know they have been chosen for this award.
4. Say 7 things about yourself.

7 Things About Me-Myself-and I

1. Every generation in my family has multiples.  I have a fantastic picture of 4 sets of our fraternal twins taken at my brother's wedding. 

2. I'm the oldest of five kids.  Yep, you heard me.  I'm bossy like that.  (And though my sister & I fought like cats & dogs when we were younger, she's my closest friend now that we're 'grown up'.)

3. I wanted to have two kids before I turned 30.  I didn't realize I would get BOTH the month before my 30th birthday.

4. Since having the chicklets, I have become afraid of heights & deep water.

5. The year my husband was deployed was the toughest of my life.  Yell sleep-walked her way through the year -- resulting in my not sleeping soundly for most of the year.  Fun times.

6. The Muppets/Peanuts - awesome

7. I love Italian food, but the texture of cooked onions can 'do me in'.  Thanks, chicklets, for that oh-so-pleasant pregnancy leftover!


  1. Thank you so much for mentioning me in your Beautiful Blogger Award. I'm happy I was able to give it you--a great mother of multiples and blogger!

  2. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a nice way to start my Wednesday!

  3. Congratulations! You'll have to introduce me to blogging. I am just getting the hang of Facebook. Blogging and twitter are still beyond me.

  4. Thanks so much! I can't wait to pass this on!

  5. Super sweet. Thanks for including me in with these fabulous bloggers! Seriously touching!

  6. Thanks for nominating me and a big thank you for the "BIRTH day" wish :) you're right it was a HUGE day for me as well!

    Thanks again!

  7. Thanks, Sue! I got this from someone else, too, and posted some of my fave reads here:

    Oh, and Carrie turned her site private because someone was stealing pics. If you want back on, DM me with an email address and I'll forward to her.



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