
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Laundry Lessons

Apparently I've been washing too much laundry.

Or too little laundry?

Any way you look at it, I haven't been to the bottom of the laundry pile in quite a while.

I was folding some, straight out of the nice, warm, toasty dryer when I picked up a pair of little pink underpants.  I shook them out, laid them on top of the chix' pile, and thought,
"Wow, how on earth does Yell get those on her little fanny?"
I picked them up again and thought,
"Geez, these suckers wouldn't even fit on my leg!"

And then I opened the waistband.



Nope, these wouldn't fit on my leg, nor would they fit on Yell's fanny.  Apparently I should investigate the bottom of the laundry pile a little more frequently.

The little pink panties belong to my niece.

Who was last at my house on December 26.  Doh!

::banging my head on my washer::


  1. Laundry is therapy to me. I get it from my Mother.


  2. Laundry is Therapy to me. I get it from my Mother.



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