After a very late night visiting with my friend M Saturday night (she called while I was making a late-night stealth cardboard recycling dropoff at a nearby McDonald's and suggested we go out for a drink - instead we chatted and drank at my house for FREE!)(until nearly 2a.m.!), I awoke to a beautiful, but cool Sunday morning.
We did our Sunday usual. I made breakfast, twins and Sapper inhaled it, and we all scrambled to get out the door for church. We also, though, found ourselves rushing to get to Yellybird's track meet afterward.
Unlike our other meets this season, all of which are being hosted at a very local school, this one was hosted close to my parents' house. It was totally worth the trip.
Sapper helps coach the hurdles and the high jump. It was fun to see his excitement when one of 'his kids' did well or exceeded his expectations. But it was even more fun to hear his suggestions to Yell on the way to the meet. He broke down her goal time for her run, her time cuts, and then wrote them on her arm with my handy dandy Sharpie (those retractable suckers are fantastic for any mom to keep in her purse).
Crab and I sat in the bleachers and watched. And waited. (Mostly, we waited.) When it came time for Yell to compete with the others in her event. I didn't expect her to completely blow the others away. I know better than that. I just wanted her to have fun, to prove to herself that she can finish a race, to feel good about the training she's been doing.
See those two kids in front of her? On her first lap, she passed the kid in front of her. On the second lap, the kid in red passed the kid in blue. On her last lap, she pulled out an energy burst and passed yet another kid at the last second. Woot! I got my wish!
She pr'd (got a personal record) in her event.
(I'm so proud!)
Monday, April 19, 2010
From the mouth of...
Scooby (at home with Aunt Kake and Uncle Helmet)
Last week Helmet was talking to me at dinner about Obama's economic stimulus package.
Scooby, ever the listener, piped in saying, "Nu-rock Obama?" (for that is what he thinks his name is).
"He got a package?"
Last week Helmet was talking to me at dinner about Obama's economic stimulus package.
Scooby, ever the listener, piped in saying, "Nu-rock Obama?" (for that is what he thinks his name is).
"He got a package?"
Sunday, April 11, 2010
reason #210 to hate aftercare
My twins' school has an aftercare program. To say I'm grateful is saying a lot.
As I work full time outside the home, and our school has no bus service, my children have to stay after school at a program where, for a nominal fee, they receive a snack and supervision.
That's about all they receive.
They receive
This is the deal. On Thursday we had a busy evening. Chicklets (I though) had choir practice. Crab had a kickball game. Yell had track practice. Sapper is a track hurdles coach. And Sapper had a meeting following track practice.
I had it planned out. Crab had her kickball clothes in the car. I would stop for fast food after work & pick up Chicklets from school. Crab & Yell would eat their fast food dinner. Crab would change her clothes in the car. Sapper would meet Yell and I at the kickball game. He had Yell's track clothes. He and Yell would go to track practice. After the kickball game, Crab and I would wait for Yell's practice to be finished, then the three of us would head home. Sapper would proceed to his meeting. We would all collapse upon arrival at home. The end.
Did the plan work? Nope.
I left work, picked up the fast food, went to get Chix at choir practice. There was no choir practice. No biggie, proceeded to aftercare to sign Chix out. The instant I walked in the door, I noticed Yell was seated with her head down on her arms. Crab came running up to me, "Yelly's feeling really sick."
I called to her. Three times. Yell had gotten up from the table and was moving as fast as she could out to the car. She finally turned toward me and gasped, "I. Don't. Feel good!"
Uh oh.
I collected Crab's various crap and made it out to the car where I was barraged with, "Where were you? Why were you late?" I explained that I thought they had choir, but I was obviously wrong, and then felt Yell's forehead. She was warm and clammy. And crying.
Uh oh.
She proceeded to tell me she couldn't see out of her right eye, her head hurt, and she felt sick to her stomach.
Uh oh.
Warm and clammy could be because she had her head down on a table while crying. Or because her head hurt and she was uncomfortable. Or something else?
Eye hurt. Blurry vision. Sick to her stomach could be because her blurry vision was making her queasy? Eye hurt because of injury? Agh!
I grab a dose of Motrin (usually kept in the car for post-orthodontist visits) and Yell swallows it down without question. She ignores her food. She never ignores food. The child has two hollow legs. She never ignores food. My mind is spinning with possibilities: migraine, allergy headache, floaters in her eye, detaching retina....terrible thoughts needing reassurance in the worst way.
I call Sapper to tell him about the abrupt change in plans. I would need to take Yell home instead of going to track practice. I would meet him at the school so he could accompany Crab to her game. Hang up the phone and call my mom to let her know Yell is sick and potential plans for Friday are very very potential at this point. Hang up the phone and call the eye doctor (who is no longer in his office). Hang up the phone and call the pediatrician (who is no longer in her office). Answering service assures me her ped is on call and will return my call within twenty minutes. An eternity. Hang up and answer Sapper's call -- he asks me to pull Crab to the side and ask her about any head injury to Yell. Ask if she'd heard anything had happened during the school day. Usher Crab over to her kickball team warmups. Go back to the car to check on the now-sleeping-Yell.
Ped calls. She and I agree that if Yell doesn't feel significantly better in the next two hours (it's now 6pm) that I should take her to the ER. Sapper arrives. He checks Yell and proceeds over to the kickball warmups. I search the field for familiar parents and manage to arrange a ride home for Crab; depart for home with the sickly one.
Fast forward. After sleeping two hours, it indeed turned out that Yell had been suffering from a migraine.
My issue is with aftercare. Why on earth didn't the adult in charge CALL ME to let me know of Yell's health concern? If she had a contagious illness, would they honestly want her to be exposing others to her germs? Do they not care about her health? Did they not consider her well-being? Did they even pay attention to the small girl with her head down on a table for more than an hour?
To say I'm irritated is putting it mildly. I would never want to be treated the way aftercare treated my child. She is exactly that -- a child. I pay for them to ensure her health, her well-being, her safety. But I felt that she didn't receive very good care on Thursday.
But do I dare write a note criticizing the care? Probably not. Because then my kids would be ostracized. Or ignored.
Instead I'll blog about it and hope that I get commiseration from the anonymous masses.
This sucks.
As I work full time outside the home, and our school has no bus service, my children have to stay after school at a program where, for a nominal fee, they receive a snack and supervision.
This is the deal. On Thursday we had a busy evening. Chicklets (I though) had choir practice. Crab had a kickball game. Yell had track practice. Sapper is a track hurdles coach. And Sapper had a meeting following track practice.
I had it planned out. Crab had her kickball clothes in the car. I would stop for fast food after work & pick up Chicklets from school. Crab & Yell would eat their fast food dinner. Crab would change her clothes in the car. Sapper would meet Yell and I at the kickball game. He had Yell's track clothes. He and Yell would go to track practice. After the kickball game, Crab and I would wait for Yell's practice to be finished, then the three of us would head home. Sapper would proceed to his meeting. We would all collapse upon arrival at home. The end.
Did the plan work? Nope.
I left work, picked up the fast food, went to get Chix at choir practice. There was no choir practice. No biggie, proceeded to aftercare to sign Chix out. The instant I walked in the door, I noticed Yell was seated with her head down on her arms. Crab came running up to me, "Yelly's feeling really sick."
I called to her. Three times. Yell had gotten up from the table and was moving as fast as she could out to the car. She finally turned toward me and gasped, "I. Don't. Feel good!"
Uh oh.
I collected Crab's various crap and made it out to the car where I was barraged with, "Where were you? Why were you late?" I explained that I thought they had choir, but I was obviously wrong, and then felt Yell's forehead. She was warm and clammy. And crying.
Uh oh.
She proceeded to tell me she couldn't see out of her right eye, her head hurt, and she felt sick to her stomach.
Uh oh.
Warm and clammy could be because she had her head down on a table while crying. Or because her head hurt and she was uncomfortable. Or something else?
Eye hurt. Blurry vision. Sick to her stomach could be because her blurry vision was making her queasy? Eye hurt because of injury? Agh!
I grab a dose of Motrin (usually kept in the car for post-orthodontist visits) and Yell swallows it down without question. She ignores her food. She never ignores food. The child has two hollow legs. She never ignores food. My mind is spinning with possibilities: migraine, allergy headache, floaters in her eye, detaching retina....terrible thoughts needing reassurance in the worst way.
I call Sapper to tell him about the abrupt change in plans. I would need to take Yell home instead of going to track practice. I would meet him at the school so he could accompany Crab to her game. Hang up the phone and call my mom to let her know Yell is sick and potential plans for Friday are very very potential at this point. Hang up the phone and call the eye doctor (who is no longer in his office). Hang up the phone and call the pediatrician (who is no longer in her office). Answering service assures me her ped is on call and will return my call within twenty minutes. An eternity. Hang up and answer Sapper's call -- he asks me to pull Crab to the side and ask her about any head injury to Yell. Ask if she'd heard anything had happened during the school day. Usher Crab over to her kickball team warmups. Go back to the car to check on the now-sleeping-Yell.
Ped calls. She and I agree that if Yell doesn't feel significantly better in the next two hours (it's now 6pm) that I should take her to the ER. Sapper arrives. He checks Yell and proceeds over to the kickball warmups. I search the field for familiar parents and manage to arrange a ride home for Crab; depart for home with the sickly one.
Fast forward. After sleeping two hours, it indeed turned out that Yell had been suffering from a migraine.
My issue is with aftercare. Why on earth didn't the adult in charge CALL ME to let me know of Yell's health concern? If she had a contagious illness, would they honestly want her to be exposing others to her germs? Do they not care about her health? Did they not consider her well-being? Did they even pay attention to the small girl with her head down on a table for more than an hour?
To say I'm irritated is putting it mildly. I would never want to be treated the way aftercare treated my child. She is exactly that -- a child. I pay for them to ensure her health, her well-being, her safety. But I felt that she didn't receive very good care on Thursday.
But do I dare write a note criticizing the care? Probably not. Because then my kids would be ostracized. Or ignored.
Instead I'll blog about it and hope that I get commiseration from the anonymous masses.
This sucks.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Does this strike you as unprofessional?
______ _______ will be off work for the next couple of months beginning on Monday, April 12th. While she is out, we will be instituting some new front desk procedures.
No one will be sitting at the front desk. The phone will be placed on the counter top along with the phone list and there will be a sign instructing visitors to sign in and call the person they are here to see. Visitors are not to go back by themselves to your office or conference room. All visitors must be escorted so please help out by making sure that you are at your desk at the time you're expecting visitors and come up and get them when they call you.
If you see someone walking through the area that is unfamiliar, please help out by asking them who they are here to see then escorting them to that person.
Thanks in advance for your help.
My take on the subject? There are +/- 250 employees on my floor. I'm the newsletter editor, so I have to take pictures of all of the employees (for birthdays, employment anniversaries, etc). There isn't a week that goes by that I see someone 'new' on our floor. How on earth are we supposed to know that someone is a visitor?
What's more? As a public agency, there are more than FIVE THOUSAND employees in the two buildings where I work. I'm wondering how this will be handled when 'the big guy' comes down for a meeting and sees the receptionist's desk is unstaffed.
Could be very interesting.
Friday, April 9, 2010
From the mouth of...
JJ (in church)
JJ: “Dad, can I have a snack?”
Dad: “We forgot the diaper bag. Sorry, no snacks.”
JJ looked down and after a long pause whispered quietly, “Doh.”
JJ: “Dad, can I have a snack?”
Dad: “We forgot the diaper bag. Sorry, no snacks.”
JJ looked down and after a long pause whispered quietly, “Doh.”
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A Note About Booster Seats Past Age 4
Note: I originally wrote this on 01/21/09. It's still as important today as it was then, so I'm sharing it here as well.
I know our law is age 8 and/or 80#. Many people disregard using them past the age of 4. Crab and Yell aren't exactly tiny, but they're not in the 50th percentile for their age either.
Today we were in an accident. A guy ran a red light and I plowed into his drivers' side rear door. The guy on the other side of the light plowed into his passenger side rear quarter panel.
At age 10 1/2, usually to their chagrin, Crab and Yell were in booster seats -- they are 4' 1/2", 63# and 4'4", 61#. Neither one is close enough to 80# to be out of a booster.
Do they hate them? Yes.
Were they kept from injury by the elevation provided? Yes.
Were they thankful they didn't get a cut on their neck (like a classmate of theirs did) from the seatbelt? Yes.
Were they very happy they were in boosters AFTER the wreck? Yes.
My arms and back ache and my bumper is a mess, but we're all okay.
Please, keep your kids in boosters as long as possible.
Edited to add a comment I fully appreciate:
I know our law is age 8 and/or 80#. Many people disregard using them past the age of 4. Crab and Yell aren't exactly tiny, but they're not in the 50th percentile for their age either.
Today we were in an accident. A guy ran a red light and I plowed into his drivers' side rear door. The guy on the other side of the light plowed into his passenger side rear quarter panel.
At age 10 1/2, usually to their chagrin, Crab and Yell were in booster seats -- they are 4' 1/2", 63# and 4'4", 61#. Neither one is close enough to 80# to be out of a booster.
Do they hate them? Yes.
Were they kept from injury by the elevation provided? Yes.
Were they thankful they didn't get a cut on their neck (like a classmate of theirs did) from the seatbelt? Yes.
Were they very happy they were in boosters AFTER the wreck? Yes.
My arms and back ache and my bumper is a mess, but we're all okay.
Please, keep your kids in boosters as long as possible.
Edited to add a comment I fully appreciate:
Ohio passed a booster seat law last year, and now (one year later) a fine goes into effect if a child who should be in a booster is not in one. They had a news story on TV about it the other day. A mom whose son has been out of a car seat since age 4 was quoted as saying something along the lines of, "It's so inconvenient." Hmmmm. So would having to go to the hospital every day to visit your brain damaged child if he were in a really bad accident.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Twin Stroller Survey
I'm doing a completely unscientific survey.
My co-worker hit & split and is now expecting identical twin girls in June/July.
In retrospect (looking way back when on those sleep-deprived days of twinfancy), knowing what you know now (as a seasoned and oh-so-experienced parent of twins or more), would you have preferred to have received/purchased:
A) a traditional dual inline stroller (does NOT accept car seats)
B) a traditional dual side-by-side stroller (does NOT accept car seats)
C) a snap-in car seat dual inline (accepts car seats, but can be used without)(example doesn't show car seats)
D) a snap-in car seat dual side-by-side (accepts car seats, but can be used without)
E) a snap-in car seat inline AND a simpler side-by-side (for use once twinfants outgrow car seats)?
A baby shower gift hinges on your wisdom - thanks for your insight!
My co-worker hit & split and is now expecting identical twin girls in June/July.
In retrospect (looking way back when on those sleep-deprived days of twinfancy), knowing what you know now (as a seasoned and oh-so-experienced parent of twins or more), would you have preferred to have received/purchased:
A) a traditional dual inline stroller (does NOT accept car seats)
B) a traditional dual side-by-side stroller (does NOT accept car seats)
C) a snap-in car seat dual inline (accepts car seats, but can be used without)(example doesn't show car seats)
D) a snap-in car seat dual side-by-side (accepts car seats, but can be used without)
E) a snap-in car seat inline AND a simpler side-by-side (for use once twinfants outgrow car seats)?
A baby shower gift hinges on your wisdom - thanks for your insight!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
not for the faint of heart
Our spring break was relatively calm. Aside from a whirlwind camping trip with the M family, we did a lot of nothing. Sounds boring you say? Whatever!
our epic list of things accomplished Mar 19-Mar 28, 2010
Of course, after that outing Crab waved her little pinkie in Sapper's direction and got to go to Coldstone for a consolation treat. She's such a punk.
In addition, I went to work every day after watching movies with the fam until 11:00 or so? Myassasdragon indeed.
our epic list of things accomplished Mar 19-Mar 28, 2010
- emptied car
- hiked in Brown County
- outdoor laser tag
- water gun fights
- overturned a kayak
- served at church
- played video games and air hockey at Jillian's
- enjoyed walking in downtown Indy on a pleasant spring evening
- cleaned out Chix' closet
- emptied Chix' dressers
- found Chix' bedroom floor (anyone sensing a trend?)
- volunteered at SSPOM sale
- worked on Chix' new beds
- washed, dried, and folded roughly 12 loads of laundry
- went to the library
- swept garage
- played basketball in driveway
- practiced volleyball against the garage door
- found gardening gloves
- had lots of playtime with Dixie-the-Wonder-Pup
- cleared yard of winter debris
- burned winter debris
- made s'mores
- roasted hot dogs
- planned garden
- went to Rascal's Fun Zone and drove go-carts
Of course, after that outing Crab waved her little pinkie in Sapper's direction and got to go to Coldstone for a consolation treat. She's such a punk.
In addition, I went to work every day after watching movies with the fam until 11:00 or so? Myassasdragon indeed.
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