
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have this full-time job

As a taxi driver.


In order, today I have visited:
School newspaper bin
Cardboard recycling
McDonald's (had to get breakfast somewhere!)
Glass/metal recycling
Credit union (which wasn't open, so I cleaned out my car...and found these...
  1. Starbucks gift card!!!
  2. sharpie
  3. lid to my lip gloss
  4. bottle of motrin
  5. zillions of pennies - all in the first 5 minutes (& under drivers seat)!
  6. Crab's lip gloss
  7. Yell's church nametag
  8. sunglasses
  9. chopsticks
  10. Niece-ling's juice cup
  11. tictacs
  13. 1 swim fin
  14. gloves
  15. frisbee
  16. Christmas church bulletin
  17. sidewalk chalk
  18. index cards
  19. blue clip-on hair streaks
  20. 1st communion necklace
  21. socks
  22. magnet
  23. batteries
  24. Empty shoe box
  25. drawings
  26. backpack
  27. & I admit to spilling the pennies 
Bank (for volunteer stuff of course)
Home (forgot the checkbook)(and the phone charger)
Mcdonalds (chicklet needed lunch)
Credit union (found part of more than $28 in change in my car!)
Credit union (forgot to ask some research questions)
Chick-Fil-A (cuz I *needed* a peppermint chocolate chip milkshake)
Bank (research)
Bank (more research)
Physical therapy
Tire place
Post office
Sam's Club
*HOME* for a full 90 minutes!

And yet on the agenda were:
Chhhhhooooiiirrr-la la la la! (the one thing I truly love about Wednesdays, going to choir practice)
And home again, home again, jiggety jig.

Is it any wonder I took the day off from work? Where on earth would I have crammed it into this ridiculous schedule?

I'm wondering, in all seriousness, what it would take to get a chauffeur's license. I'm sure it would pay better than being the designated TaxiMom.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Way back when...a million or so coupons ago...

I used to be a coupon queen. I'd cut out, sort, plot, plan, and execute my attack. I'd coordinate all of this frenzy during the girls' gymnastics practice(s). I had a binder where I'd sort my coupons (by aisle of my fave store). I'd even have contests with Miss Magina to see who could save the most money. I roll my eyes in remembrance of such organization.

Since then, my twins are in middle-school activities, I've returned to full-time work, my coupons have largely been tucked into ziploc bags and thrown on a closet shelf, and the economy has dumped a port-a-potty in my checkbook. Time for a change!

Recently, I've been following BargainBriana (because bargains don't find themselves) and she's given me a chance to share the glories of saving $ again. I'm talking about her Frugal Map.

Her Frugal Map displays a list of $avvy Blogger$ who enjoy $aving their $ and $haring their experience$ with other$. Notice the $$$? Yep, they're adding up! The frugal map links you to your own state (or whatever state you select), and lists the bloggers' site(s) in your area. It's a pretty nifty way to use technology to your advantage. Maybe couponing/savings that can help pay for your high-speed internet or wireless mobile device?

Hmm, maybe I should make my computer habits pay for themselves (as they did in the past). Definitely a point to ponder.

Since we spend a number of hours at the pool each week, I'm thinking I may be able to squeeze the couponing into the otherwise wasted time (who am I kidding, that's when I catch up on Twitter!). I'll keep you posted on how it works on our next shopping trip.

Playing with Food

is not optional.

When it's string cheese.

It's required.

Which is why I like it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Getting Stabbed (in a good way)

Getting Stabbed
Originally uploaded by crabnyell

This photo is pretty terrible, but I had it taken with my phone. I was obviously a little hindered at the time.

There's this blogger who is sponsoring a blood drive. You can see what I'm talking about here (but don't click yet, I have a story to tell)

Way back when, a million or so years ago, I met my friend Miss Magina. She and I went to the same church, but hadn't met each other. I remember hearing about her -- and was completely skeptical -- seems she was pregnant with spontaneous triplets. Yeah, right. At that point I'd been in a multiples club for almost 2 years (you know, forever?) and I didn't know ANYONE who had spontaneous triplets.

During her pregnancy, she found out she had Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). Fortunately, Miss Magina was blissfully unaware of how dangerous this condition could be to her babies. Also fortunately, she carried the girls to 32.5 weeks with ZERO BEDREST! (Yes, fellow M.o.M.s, I still tell her she's a freak of nature.)

Babies get delivered, all three doing relatively well for being preemies, but Miss Magina feels weird. Apparently she lost consciousness at this point and remembers nothing. But she did tell me -- years later -- that she had to have a transfusion. She and I have the same blood type. The hospital gave her a universal blood type, but her body reacted badly, she started 'crashing.' Switch to OUR blood type and she improved immediately.

So anyway -- Miss Magina is the best friend in the world. She's taken me to the hospital at least twice. She's shown up in the middle of an evening to make me hot caramel apple cider when I was feeling gross. She makes me coffee. She's taught me to do some basic computer repair. And I can't sum up how much I love her in one paragraph -- gad -- I'll make you throw up anyway.

My point is, if I'd known her at that point in our lives, and if I'd known she needed a transfusion, I would have happily been a direct donor for her. And I know she'd do the same for me. 

Just a little something to make you think.  It's a little uncomfortable (but childbirth is a lot worse).  It takes a little while (but you pay to go to the dentist).  And you're scared of needles (don't look!  I don't!)  But maybe there's someone you'd like to honor?  Or anyone you know who's been affected by a transfusion?

Consider donating. You'll help at least three people with one donation, and it doesn't cost you a cent.

And ManicMommy has some pretty cool prize opportunities too.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

Wow!  The movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is such a great movie!  We rented it for one dollar $$$!  I love it so much, it's funny and it has a whole bunch of good family moments!  Some of the kids (the little ones) will probably enjoy it too!

From the mouth of...Scooby

Last summer, Scooby put on his swimsuit to go outside to play with the chicklets.

"Hey look, it's a pocket to put my hand in!" he yelled gleefully.  Then he shoved his hand in the fly of his trunks.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Old Henry

1927 Model T Ford
Originally uploaded by crabnyell
When I was little, we lived in Broad Ripple, a neighborhood on the Indianapolis northside. We had a large garage by BR standards. It held 3 cars and as many bikes as you can imagine a family of seven would have.

When we went into the barn, we had to 'be careful of Old Henry'. This shell of a car had no tires, no wheels, no windows, no top. But we had to 'be careful' around it. We knew if we touched it, Dad would know.

When I was 10 years old, somehow Dad got wheels on the car. He got tires. It was a very big deal. We still had to 'be careful' around Old Henry, but this was even more exciting. He was going to come OUT of the garage!

Our neighbors came from down the alley with their Polaroid camera. Mr. Hazel brought some beer. And Dad rolled the car out of the green double barn doors. We were breathless with anticipation. It was too exciting to be believed. There was no glass in the windows, no top, no spare tire, no SEATS to be had. We stood in the back of Old Henry, and Dad sat in a lawn chair. Mom sat on a wooden stool Dad had made for us to use in the playroom.

But we were so excited we made up a song about bumping down the road in Old Henry without seats, windows, or rear view mirror.

Congratulations on winning the photo contest, Dad; bigger congrats on restoring such a beautiful old car. And thanks for raising us to appreciate such a treasure.

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