I used to be a coupon queen. I'd cut out, sort, plot, plan, and execute my attack. I'd coordinate all of this frenzy during the girls' gymnastics practice(s). I had a binder where I'd sort my coupons (by aisle of my fave store). I'd even have contests with Miss Magina to see who could save the most money. I roll my eyes in remembrance of such organization.
Since then, my twins are in middle-school activities, I've returned to full-time work, my coupons have largely been tucked into ziploc bags and thrown on a closet shelf, and the economy has dumped a port-a-potty in my checkbook. Time for a change!
Recently, I've been following BargainBriana (because bargains don't find themselves) and she's given me a chance to share the glories of saving $ again. I'm talking about her Frugal Map.
Her Frugal Map displays a list of $avvy Blogger$ who enjoy $aving their $ and $haring their experience$ with other$. Notice the $$$? Yep, they're adding up! The frugal map links you to your own state (or whatever state you select), and lists the bloggers' site(s) in your area. It's a pretty nifty way to use technology to your advantage. Maybe couponing/savings that can help pay for your high-speed internet or wireless mobile device?
Hmm, maybe I should make my computer habits pay for themselves (as they did in the past). Definitely a point to ponder.
Since we spend a number of hours at the pool each week, I'm thinking I may be able to squeeze the couponing into the otherwise wasted time (who am I kidding, that's when I catch up on Twitter!). I'll keep you posted on how it works on our next shopping trip.
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