
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thankful it's Thursday

'cause I need a break.

Outside my is still very dark. Poo. I don't like being up before the sunshine. But it's sooooo much cooler than it has been. Fall is definitely on the way!

The time is...6:30 am

Today I feel...tired (leftover vicodin hangover?) but looking forward to the day. I hurt my back while at work last Thursday and have been taking muscle relaxants & Vicodin every night since. It makes for an early bedtime -- and then a hangover in the morning.

I am thinking...about the conference I need to plan. umm, hello, conference guy? I need a budget before I can plan for food for 120 people!

At the moment, I am thankful...that Crab is out of the shower already! Coffee is almost done, and then it's my turn in the shower.

I am pay some bills today. Boring, but necessary.

I am Mother's Day pajama pants, glasses, and a Life is Good t-shirt

I wish...I could get a better paying job. I'm being moved to a new position - lateral move - same job description, same pay - blah.

I am overdue library book!

I am working on...FTSC registration materials. The swim season is about to start and we *only* have 31 swimmers registered. It's been 3 nights of non-stop work & I'm nearly done. I get to start all over again Monday night with the last-minute registrations! Yay me!!!

I am hoping...we get 30 more swimmers, 30 more swimmers, 30 more swimmers....

I am going around the corner, pump turning on, and the coffee maker is done!

I bet you didn't know...I have the prettiest pedicure. Wish I could show it off at work :( With my back issues, I'm safer in my closed-toe Danskos.

One of my favorite...things to see is a positive balance in the checkbook!

My weekend plans include...a Hokum Karum for Yellybird, and possibly camping! Our goal is to stay at every state park in our state. We've only visited one park twice so far :)

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